Our Junior Tennis program for ages 4-15 consists of group instruction and team match play with other Cape Cod clubs. Instruction is taught by tennis professionals with an emphasis on developing tennis skills, court etiquette, and foundational game knowledge. Our pros will evaluate your child’s skills to make sure they are placed in the clinic that will best support them and improve their tennis skills. Mark your calendars for Juniors Evaluation Day on Saturday, June 14, to have your child appropriately placed. A temporary rain date is scheduled for Sunday, June 15. Sign up early before spots fill up!
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 3:30 pm–4:15 pm
Four Weeks–Monday, June 16 thru Friday, July 11
Four Weeks–Monday, July 14 thru Friday, August 8
Member: $230 per child, per session
Non-Member: $305 per child, per session
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 3:30 pm–4:30 pm
Four Weeks–Monday, June 16 thru Friday, July 11
Four Weeks–Monday, July 14 thru Friday, August 8
Member: $280 per child, per session
Non-Member: $355 per child, per session
Monday, Wednesday, 4:30 pm–6:00 pm; Friday | Match Play 3:00 pm-5:00 pm
Four Weeks–Monday, June 16 thru Friday, July 11
Four Weeks–Monday, July 14 thru Friday, August 8
Member: $375 per child, per session
Non-Member: $450 per child, per session
The Junior Tennis Program consists of group instruction and team match play with other Cape Cod clubs. The instruction is taught by tennis professionals with an emphasis on developing tennis skills, court etiquette, knowledge of the game, and fun. Our pros will evaluate your child’s skills to make sure they are placed in the Clinic that will best benefit them and improve their tennis skills. Come to the Juniors Evaluation Day, Saturday, June 14 to have your child placed properly. The Rain Date is Sunday, June 15. It is important to sign up early as the Clinics fill up quickly.